Lessons, Rates, & Policies

In-home Piano Lessons

I offer in- person, in-home piano lessons in Coronado and the Cays to anyone desiring to learn from ages 7 to… never too late!


First Time

Assessment Lesson


One Time

An assessment lesson is required prior to receiving a guaranteed weekly lesson spot

Single Lesson Rates

No Contract


30 Minutes

60 minutes: $ 100

45 minutes: $ 75

Best Value

Annual Contract Rate

Based on 40 Lessons per year divided into 12 payments charged monthly


Per Month

60 minutes: $ 280 /month

45 minutes: $ 220/month

30 minutes: $ 150/month


Certificate of Merit® is a statewide program of graded music education that provides a standardized music curriculum for musical excellence in performance, technique, ear training, sight reading and music theory.

Piano students can prepare yearly examinations for 11 levels from preparatory to Advanced (Level 10)

Over 30,000 students participate at the annual evaluations in the Spring. They are held by the various local Branches throughout California and made available to students of music teachers who are members of the Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC).

Examination Requirements:

Examinations are held between February-March. The decision to participate in an examination must be made no later than June 1st of the previous year.
With the exception of Preparatory/ Level 1 examinations, students must be enrolled in weekly lessons of at least 45 minutes in duration
The student must purchase a theory and ear training book of the specified exam level. Supplemental Material may also be required depending on level.
Examination fees


Policies: Missed Lessons/ Make-Ups

1. The annual agreement reserves your regular lesson time slot. If lessons are missed (from the side of the student) a make-up lesson is not guaranteed. However, I will do my best to rearrange it. We have 12 weeks off in the year which gives us a bit of a cushion if a lesson here or there is missed unexpectedly.

2. If I need to cancel a lesson and am unable to complete the 40 lessons as contracted within the year, I will make a billing adjustment at the end of the year deducting the corresponding rate per missed lesson from my side.

3. Please let me know with advance notice if possible, when you are planning a trip and the dates you will be gone. ( I will do the same on my side) This allows me to schedule “pre-makeup lessons” with you if possible. It also gives me the flexibility to offer makeup lessons to other students in your time slot while you are away.

4. If you need to shift or reschedule a lesson, don’t be afraid to ask. I am always willing to be flexible if I am able to do so.

Music Teachers' Association of California 2024

Cancellation of Agreement

This agreement can be cancelled on a month-to-month basis. Upon cancellation you may be invoiced any difference in price if more lessons had been given than had been paid for under the monthly payment scheme.

Music Teachers' Association of California 2024

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